Monday 17 June 2013

Car Free Day Vancouver

Last February my artist daughter asked me if I wanted to try out selling at a craft fair.  She has many dreamy items that she has created with her original art and just can't seem to keep those creative juices couped up, so she's always making fabulous items and writing the most clever things and sometimes adding a cartoon which makes it clever sweet.  I'd never ever thought I'd be on the opposite side of a craft fair.  I have gone to a couple but not enough to think I knew what to do. 

After a couple of failed deadline attempts she signs us up for one with a company named Blim and since the craft fair is non juried so you are an automatic 'in' if you pay your peso's for your table on time.  I mildly procrastinated, not really landing on where I wanted to go with my items so I kept second guessing what I wanted to do until a week before the event and then I began to sew like a fiend.

Come June 16, we head out together with the help of a fabulous son-in-law find our designated space indicated by a 6 foot table with Rebekah Joy written on a piece of tape.  We set up our tent and begin to lay out our wares.  What an amazing introduction to behind the table.  Apparently the whole neighbourhood was invited along with their pets and babies in tow.

Craft Fair: 1st attempt has me thinking about another.  Just maybe.  It was such a good start.  Beautiful weather and people watching to die for!  Crowds and Crowds of people for miles.  It was 'A 21 block festival composed of several mini-festivals, over a dozen community supported stages with dozens of bands, a full kids zone and other kids activities throughout the site.'  And my artist and I were a teeny part of this huge party!  2013... Vancouver's 6th annual 'Car Free Day' event.  Who knew?  It's possible I've been in the suburbs far too long!

And the left overs from our sale?  Check out the new best seller item on the street now in the shop with more to come!

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