Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Let the Sun Shine In!

If you live in the Pacific Northwest ... yes up a bit higher in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia you will know that we have been longsuffering with rain!  No substantial amount of sun in sight -- for months! If there is just a moment of 'dry' I drop everything and get my lawn mower cranked up, driven by the single fear that it will be my only opportunity! 

This morning, the first day of summer, we woke up to the sun grinning ear to ear through our bedroom windows.  Hallelujah!  And to mark the end of one season embracing the start of another I put the last stitch on this yesterday.  (If the sun won't shine, I have a few tricks to bring brightness into my world and this is one of them.)
Kaffe Fassett's 'Yellow S Block'
Blue and green support the back
My mother-in-law loved this centre fabric.  A set of napkins that she picked up in France.